Lessons Learned

Today is September 14th. I have been back in the states a little over a month and I leave again in just over 2 weeks. Time is such a funny thing. It goes so slow and seems never ending, but then it goes so fast and is gone before you know it.

Every day in Haiti brought a new element of time. While in America, I am typically ruled by a schedule (by my own choice). I spend days running from this place to that place, fitting in every last aspect of our culture & community. But in Haiti, watches are just for show and wall clocks are not even a thing! The relaxed schedule was definitely something I had to adjust to and it was one of the hardest things! It literally drained me not having something planned every day.

But in those still moments I learned some of the sweetest lessons. In June I made a post on instagram and part of it said “Trying to keep Jesus at the center, balancing tasks vs. people…” I had a really hard time toward the beginning of the summer. I had some family stuff going on (who doesn’t), and because of my “I can fix it!” personality- it hurt my heart not being physically present with them, adjusting to daily inconveniences seemed to compound, and then I came down with some virus that left me with a fever for a week straight (for someone who is never sick, that was not easy). But God brought me to a place where I had to completely rely on him for strength, resilience, purpose, and joy.

Three Lessons:

  1. Grace and Patience are hard and necessary for us to give to others but also ourselves. No one will ever fulfill you, everyone will let you down at some point, you won’t always get it right. Shocking, right? Why are the lessons that seem so easy & obvious hit your head & heart in the most extreme environments?

  2. Above everything else, the most important thing to the Lord, more important than the number of services you hold, patients you have at your clinic, salvation prayers you pray, the number of kids at your camp….the Lord desires our heart. He pursues us endlessly and always, without question or judgement, without a checklist. I learned that on a new level this summer. It truly was not about what I could accomplish.

  3. He makes us capable. I thought I was capable, because I have these gifts and abilities and things that I excel in….I think part of me forgot where those things came from. So when I got to Haiti and it was a lot harder than expected- in part because I was relying on myself to carry things out. BIG MISTAKE!

Right now I am trying to learn how to be present here, but also be proactive in the Lord’s plan and purpose for our team in Haiti. Join me in prayer that our heart’s would seek God’s will and continue pursue His kingdom!


I'd love to share even more details in person- Let's meet up for coffee, or a bite! 
I will be returning to Haiti in October.

Partner with me in prayer and/or financially. In Haiti, we are facilitating medical clinics, building projects,children's programs, and a child sponsorship program for an organization called Voices of Hope. Check out 
http://voicesofhopehaiti.org for more info!

I would love to talk to you about how you can partner with me specifically on this journey. To partner with me financially go to 
https://www.voicesofhopehaiti.org/take-action/ . One time donations & monthly partnerships are available! Thank you for your support!
